
Friday, August 25, 2023

Roman Catholic Women Priests in Rome - Bishop Bridget Mary Meehan to speak on Friday, October 13, 2023 at Lay Led Synod organized by Spirit Unbounded International Program

Spirit Unbounded: A Lay-Led Synod- Oct 13-14 Live in Rome and Bristol
I will speak  on Oct. 13 at 14:10-14:30, Joan Chittister at 17:00-17:55,
Mary McAleese at 18:05-19:00

There will be a hard copy printed programme with photos and biogs of all the speakers on 13-14 October.

Register at for online week-long event October 8-14:

Spirit Unbounded- -an international organization, seeking reform in the Roman Catholic Church is presenting a lay-led assembly featuring 100+ Voices from across the world sharing their lives and thoughts on "Human Rights in the Emerging Catholic Church."

Spirit Unbounded programs will be online all week during October 8-14, 2023 and live in-person on October 13 and 14 in Rome and in Bristol. Wherever you are in the world, you can participate on YouTube, with language subtitles, so you don’t miss anything.

To register, click on this link:

Here is the program schedule for Oct. 13-14th that features Sr. Joan Chittister, Mary MacAleese and Bridget Mary Meehan, on the topic of a discipleship of equals."

Monday, August 7, 2023

Women Priests in Rome: Will Pope Francis be open to a conversation?

 In article in National Catholic Reporter:

“The pope's remarks came in response to a reporter who asked how Francis can say "todos" when LGBTQ people and women are excluded from the sacraments. 

The pope's response was abstract, seeming to note that in reference to the question of ordination or gay marriage that while the church has laws, it does not mean the church is closed to such individuals. Instead, he said, they must be accompanied by the church. “

Since women priests will be in Rome in October, it would be a grace- filled opportunity for  a  conversation with Pope Francis about charting a new path of accompaniment - going forth together as one in love, one in Christ.  A new beginning!

Pope doubles down on message that church is open to all, including LGBTQ people and women

Following hernia surgery, pope says he is living a 'normal life' 

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Women Priests Go to Rome: Make room for everyone, Pope Francis tells young people in Portugal 

Pope Francis asked 500,000 young people to chant  this at Youth Conference -August 3, 2023

“There is room in the Church for everyone.”

Todos! Todos! Todos!

 (from Fr. James Martin SJ)

We hope Pope Francis really  means everyone including women priests who have been ministering to Catholics on the margins for 21 years in inclusive communities and ministries that welcome all to receive sacraments.

Screenshot by Tony Spadero SJ

There is room for everyone in the church and, whenever there is not, then, please, we must make room, including for those who make mistakes, who fall or struggle," the pope told a crowd of nearly 500,000 young people gathered here in Lisbon's Edward VII Park on Aug. 3 for the official welcome ceremony of World Youth Day. “ (National Catholic Reporter)

“The pope's remarks came in response to a reporter who asked how Francis can say "todos" when LGBTQ people and women are excluded from the sacraments. 

The pope's response was abstract, seeming to note that in reference to the question of ordination or gay marriage that while the church has laws, it does not mean the church is closed to such individuals. Instead, he said, they must be accompanied by the church. 

During his first day in the country, on Aug. 2, Francis held a private meeting with 13 survivors of clergy sexual abuse, at a time when the Portuguese Catholic Church is reeling from the crisis. “

ARCWP Novena 2024 - Mondays, 7:00PM EDT, Aug. 12- Oct. 7th, Praying for Women Priests and Upcoming Ordinations in August- October in U.S. and Rome,

 If you cannot join us on Mondays, please pray Novena alone or with others for special blessings on our Ordinands and their prophetic witnes...