
Monday, September 2, 2024

ARCWP Novena 2024 - Mondays, 7:00PM EDT, Aug. 12- Oct. 7th, Praying for Women Priests and Upcoming Ordinations in August- October in U.S. and Rome,

 If you cannot join us on Mondays, please pray Novena alone or with others for special blessings on our Ordinands and their prophetic witness of  a renewed priestly ministry in a Church for everyone. This Novena is available in other languages in Blogger by pressing "translate" at top of blog as well as in Spanish in the text. 

Topic: ARCWP Novena
  Every week on Mon, 7:00 PM from Aug. 12, 2024 until Oct 7, 2024. Zoom link:

Welcome to our prayer for blessings on all Ordinands in the international Roman Catholic Women Priests Movement.  

We come together to pray for all women called to priestly ministry in an inclusive Catholic Church for everyone. We pray for all our ARCWP/RCWP Ordinands who will be ordained in August, September and October. We offer a sign of hope that women priests are here now to serve the people of God in inclusive Catholic communities of equals. 

(See list below of all Ordinands names and dates of Ordinations from August-October)

Spanish: Bienvienida

Bienvenidas y bienvenidos a nuestra oración de bendiciones para todas las ordenandas del Movimiento Internacional de Mujeres Presbíteras Católicas Romanas.

Nos reunimos para orar por todas las mujeres llamadas al ministerio presbiteral en una Iglesia Católica inclusiva para todos y todas. Oramos por todas nuestras ordenandas ARCWP/RCWP que serán ordenadas en agosto, septiembre y octubre. Ofrecemos una señal de esperanza de que las mujeres presbíteras están aquí ahora para servir al pueblo de Dios en comunidades católicas inclusivas de iguales.

(Vea a continuación la lista de todos los nombres de las ordenandas y las fechas de las ordenaciones de agosto a octubre)

Gathering Song: I am willing by Holly Near, video by Donna Panaro, ARCWP


Opening Prayer: ( Choice of Leader each week or the following) 


Holy One, you have called us to be witnesses of your outpouring love and priestly service in inclusive communities  around the world. Speak through us words of truth that foster justice and equity for all God's people.  Accompany us in living Jesus' example of Gospel hospitality and inclusivity at open tables  in which all are invited to receive Eucharist and all sacraments. Through your Spirit working within us, we pray, it will be so. Amen! Alleluia!

Spanish: oración inicial

Dios Santo, Tú nos has llamado a ser testigos de tu amor derramado y de tu servicio presbiteral en comunidades inclusivas de todo el mundo. Habla a través de nosotras palabras de verdad que fomenten la justicia y la equidad para todo el pueblo de Dios. Acompáñanos a vivir el ejemplo de Jesús de hospitalidad e inclusión evangélica en mesas abiertas en las que todos y todas están invitadas a recibir la Eucaristía y todos los sacramentos. Por tu Espíritu obrando dentro de nosotras, oramos, así será. ¡Amén! ¡Aleluya!

Individual Intentions/Prayers  ( sharing time of prayer)

I bring to our circle of prayer the following intentions for the healing, growth and spiritual empowerment of our international Roman Catholic Women Priests Movement. (ARCWP/RCWP)

We pray for the following Ordinands who will be ordained in August, September and October:


Catherine Collins, 

Sharon Brannen, 


Maria Teresa Ribeiro Rosa

Txus Garcia Pascual 

Belén Repiso Carrillo, 

Anne Malloy Latour

Mary Katherine Daniels

Loan Rocher 


Erlinda Perlado Mertens

Daniel Anthony Frachey

Martina Marie Thompson

Jean Buchanan

Spanish: Intenciones:

Intenciones/Oraciones individuales

(compartir tiempo de oración)

Traigo a nuestro círculo de oración las siguientes intenciones para la sanación, el crecimiento y el empoderamiento espiritual de nuestro Movimiento Internacional de Mujeres Presbíteras Católicas Romanas.

Closing Blessing: 

Please extend your hands for our mutual blessing:

Leader and ALL:  

May our lives radiate the love of the Holy One. 

May we live justice and equality in our church and world.  

May Mary Mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and all courageous women who have gone before us be our models of courage and faithful service.  

We go forth in the spirit of Mary Magdalene, first apostle, 

rejoicing that Love is within us.

celebrating Love outside of us.

We go forth, called to action, to move mountains! Amen.

Spanish: Bendicion

Bendición de cierre: 

Por favor extiendan sus manos para nuestra mutua bendición:

Líder y TODAS:  

Que nuestras vidas irradien el amor de Dios Santo. 

Que vivamos la justicia y la igualdad en nuestra iglesia y en el mundo.  

Que María Madre de Jesús, María Magdalena y todas las mujeres valientes que nos han precedido sean nuestros modelos de valentía y fiel servicio.  

Avanzamos en el espíritu de María Magdalena, primera apóstol, 

regocijándonos porque el Amor está dentro de nosotras.

celebrando el Amor fuera de nosotras.

¡Salimos, llamadas a la acción, a mover montañas! Amén.

Upcoming Ordinations- Dates-Places ARCWP and RCWP

USA-Great Waters St. Louis Diaconate Ordination 2024

22 August 2024 Thursday at 11am

Place: St. Louis, Missouri

Presiding Bishop : +Martha Sherman

Projected Deacons: Erlinda Perlado Mertens (Mary of Magdala catacomb name) USA

Marina Marie Thompson USA

Setting: Hope Chapel at First Unitarian Church?

Highlights: Therese of Divine Peace Inclusive Catholic Community

(Elsie McGrath’s community)

ARCWP San Francisco Priest Ordination 2024

31 August 2024 Saturday at 11am

Place: San Francisco, California

Presiding Bishop: +Bridget Mary Meehan

Projected Priest: Catherine Collins USA

Setting: St. James Episcopal Church

ARCWP San Francisco Priest Ordination 2024

1 September 2024

Place: San Francisco, California

Presiding Bishop: +Bridget Mary Meehan

Projected Priest: Sharon Brannen USA

Setting: Private home

ARCWP San Francisco Diaconate Ordination 2024

2 September 2024

Place: San Francisco, California

Presiding Bishop: +Bridget Mary Meehan

Projected Deacon: Guadalupe (Catacomb name)

Setting: Private home

USA-Great Waters Priest Ordination 2024

15 October 2024

Place: TBA

Presiding Bishop: +Martha Sherman

Projected Priest: Daniel Anthony Frachey USA

Setting: TBA

ARCWP Rome Diaconate Ordination 2024

16 October 2024

Place: Rome, Italy

Presiding Bishop: +Bridget Mary Meehan

Projected Deacon: Belén Repiso Carrillo Spain

Setting: TBA

ARCWP Tiber River Rome Priest and Diaconate Ordinations 2024

17 October 2024 Thursday 12:00 pm Rome time)

Place: Rome, Italy

Presiding Bishops: +Bridget Mary Meehan

Projected Deacons: Loan Rocher France

Maria Teresa Ribeiro Rosa Spain

Txus Garcia Pascual Spain

Projected Priests: Anne Malloy Latour USA

Belén Repiso Carrillo Spain

Mary Katherine Daniels USA

Setting: Boat on Tiber River

The Link to the Novena will be LIVE at 7:00PM on these dates:


Monday, August 12 - Mary Theresa             

Monday, August 19- Bridget Mary                  

Monday, August 26 - Dotty Shugrue                 

Monday, September 2 - Joan Pesce            

Monday, September 9 - Mary Eileen           

Monday, September 16 - Jim M          

Monday, September 23- Dennis           

Monday, September 30 - Kathryn or BMM         

Monday, October 7  - Juanita                



Rosie Smead and Dotty Shugrue

In preparation and thanksgiving for the spiritual gifts of Mother Sophia Wisdom, with arms wide open we invite all of our sisters and brothers in the Roman Catholic Woman Priest movement, including ARCWP, RCWP, European Woman Priests, and all members to join in a NINE-WEEK NOVENA of fasting and prayer, generating a tidal wave of cosmic energy of Love.

Answering the call to ordain women and men to a new priesthood in a community of equals, we will forge ahead, birthing new ordained persons to flourish and share the love of the Holy One throughout the world.

We, unafraid of consequences, stand as witness to the truth that sets us free, are called to serve the Holy One wherever we are in our life and our world, whatever our age, race, or gender.  The ordination in Rome October 17, 2024, will once again demonstrate our belief in a new form of priestly ministry in an all-inclusive community of equals. It will require all of us to deeply invest in our spiritual practices of prayer and fasting in support of the graces to be received and the power of negativity released upon us. 

With the inspiration of Mother Sophia Wisdom Spirit, choose the practice(s) that meld with your spirituality and shower the world with love and energy in support of our mission to ordain and send forth to serve.


Our experiences with a “novena” of prayers and/or practices for specific or general graces is part of our heritage. We invite you to participate in our NOVENA of 9 Weeks of focused Prayer and Fasting in support of the October 17th Ordinations in Rome, and all of the Ordinations in ARCWP and worldwide. This will begin Monday, August 12th, and continue on Monday evenings at 7:00PM EST. Prayers will be on ZOOM, managed by Dennis McDonald, ARCWP. The Novena will end just before the U.S. ARCWP group leaves for Rome, so those going can be here to pray with all of us.

The Link to the Novena will be LIVE at 7:00PM on these dates:

Monday, August 12 - Mary Theresa             

Monday, August 19- Bridget Mary                  

Monday, August 26 - Dotty Shugrue                 

Monday, September 2 - Joan Pesce            

Monday, September 9 - Mary Eileen            

Monday, September 16 - Jim M          

Monday, September 23- Dennis           

Monday, September 30 - Kathryn          

Monday, October 7  - Juanita                


Guides Along the Fasting Way

Fasting and prayer are profound ways of being in the presence of the Holy One, to ask for guidance and intervention in our lives. When we fast from food, it creates a hunger for the Holy One that can only be filled by making changes in our life.

These deeply spiritual practices draw us closer to our Loving God, and equip us in a special way to courageously move forward on our journey. In ARCWP, having received the sacramental blessing of Ordination, we are invited to follow the example of our Beloved, in our personal lives and as a living force in the world, modeling the Holy One.

ARCWP will be ordaining new ordinands in the U.S. and a gathering in Rome, prepared to serve. In a critical time, such as this, it is essential that we join prayer and fasting, in anticipation of and gratitude for blessings of the Holy One on our Mission to prepare all of us, bishops, priests and deacons, candidates, and ordinands to serve the people of God.

Choose your customary or renewed fasting practice on your own. Below are additional references and resources regarding this deeply personal, spiritual gift we tenderly offer.

May the Holy One hover around, beside, and above us on this sacred journey now, and always!


Fasting from Hatred and Anger | Homilies with Richard Rohr | CAC Podcasts    

Fr. Richard Rohr on Fasting: youtube:  

“There’s hidden sweetness in the stomach’s emptiness.

We are lutes, no more, no less.

If the soundbox is stuffed full of anything, no music.

If the brain and belly are burning clean with fasting,

“A Hunger for God applied fasting to my everyday life. It’s not just for mystics and

the monastics, but for every Christian. Fasting is not about us, nor is it about our

devotion to God, as so many prescribe. We are a culture of abundance that indulges

and abuses—fasting is a means of God’s grace to embrace someone greater than our

appetites. This book radically changed, simplified, and drew me nearer to Christ.”

Keyan Soltani

Piper, J. (2013). A hunger for God. Inter-Varsity Press.

Religious fasting and its impacts on individual, public, and planetary health: Fasting as a “religious health asset” for a healthier, more equitable, and sustainable society. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9. 7 Amazing Spiritual Benefits of Fasting


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ARCWP Novena 2024 - Mondays, 7:00PM EDT, Aug. 12- Oct. 7th, Praying for Women Priests and Upcoming Ordinations in August- October in U.S. and Rome,

 If you cannot join us on Mondays, please pray Novena alone or with others for special blessings on our Ordinands and their prophetic witnes...