
Wednesday, October 11, 2023

An Opening that was ultimately a closure, La detención de Christina Moreira muestra la necesidad de desmantelar el clericalismo patriarcal"

Christina Moreira ARCWP in St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican 

An opening that was ultimately, a closure

Yesterday, I participated in the opening mass of the Synod, seated in the back of St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, amidst my beloved people, basking in the faith of the humble, reaffirming that hope and joy continue to flourish in many, although not in all.

I attended the so-called shadow synod, giving voice to the group that I represent here: the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests.

This representation consists of simple and peaceful acts to make our ministries visible and to bear witness to our mortal reality and the desire to share that which “burns inside of us”, which gives us life: the following of Jesus Christ, who sent a Samaritan woman to announce that he was the Messiah to the people of her village and Magdalene to proclaim his resurrection to his brothers. This following, this holy name is everything to us. It is our breath, our strength, our horizon, and our sole purpose: the Path, the Truth, and Life.

That is why I chose to join a group of brave and faithful women, capable of loving to the point of exclusion and punishment by a system that has already been condemned and that urgently requires reform. Yes, this need is urgent. Children's lives are at stake. Together we walk, women and men of good will, working for the Kingdom with small and peaceful tools: words and symbols, prayer…

So yesterday, to make it known that they had a Catholic priest on their side, I dressed in alb (the tunic that all baptized individuals are entitled to wear) and stole, identifying myself as one who is obedient to the order to serve my sisters and brothers: “give them something to eat”.

A police officer appeared, who called other police officers and ultimately, I wound up at Italian police headquarters, where it was assumed that a woman cannot be a priest and that I was usurping a “hábito talar” [sic]. The rest of the uniforms and habits being worn in the square at that time apparently arose no suspicion. After three and a half hours of deliberations by up to eight male officers, they decided to give me a fine and confiscate the robe.

They freed me, unaware that Christ had already done so long ago, especially on a certain day when he too was punished for saying who he was, having his clothes taken away. Clearly, the holier-than-thou haven’t lost their good customs. Using outside forces to carry out their dirty work and to violate the freedoms of expression of others… these are all familiar practices.

I am at peace, having a long program of words and actions ahead of me, with a large group of companions with whom I will walk, sing, pray, and think over the coming days. I attest that we will tackle this Synod and will see where the shadow lies.

From the heart of the so-called Mother Church, I send you blessings and wishes for peace and wellbeing, endless love, and a wide and friendly gaze that is “benevolent and welcoming”, as the Pope requested in his homily.

Your friend and sister,

Christina Moreira Vázquez, on 5 October 2023, in Rome, celebrating the tenth anniversary of her diaconal ordination amongst her Home Novo congregation of A Coruña.An opening that was ultimately, a closure

Yesterday, I participated in the opening mass of the Synod, seated in the back of St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, amidst my beloved people, basking in the faith of the humble, reaffirming that hope and joy continue to flourish in many, although not in all.

I attended the so-called shadow synod, giving voice to the group that I represent here: the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests.

This representation consists of simple and peaceful acts to make our ministries visible and to bear witness to our mortal reality and the desire to share that which “burns inside of us”, which gives us life: the following of Jesus Christ, who sent a Samaritan woman to announce that he was the Messiah to the people of her village and Magdalene to proclaim his resurrection to his brothers. This following, this holy name is everything to us. It is our breath, our strength, our horizon, and our sole purpose: the Path, the Truth, and Life.

That is why I chose to join a group of brave and faithful women, capable of loving to the point of exclusion and punishment by a system that has already been condemned and that urgently requires reform. Yes, this need is urgent. Children's lives are at stake. Together we walk, women and men of good will, working for the Kingdom with small and peaceful tools: words and symbols, prayer…

So yesterday, to make it known that they had a Catholic priest on their side, I dressed in alb (the tunic that all baptized individuals are entitled to wear) and stole, identifying myself as one who is obedient to the order to serve my sisters and brothers: “give them something to eat”.

A police officer appeared, who called other police officers and ultimately, I wound up at Italian police headquarters, where it was assumed that a woman cannot be a priest and that I was usurping a “hábito talar” [sic]. The rest of the uniforms and habits being worn in the square at that time apparently arose no suspicion. After three and a half hours of deliberations by up to eight male officers, they decided to give me a fine and confiscate the robe.

They freed me, unaware that Christ had already done so long ago, especially on a certain day when he too was punished for saying who he was, having his clothes taken away. Clearly, the holier-than-thou haven’t lost their good customs. Using outside forces to carry out their dirty work and to violate the freedoms of expression of others… these are all familiar practices.

I am at peace, having a long program of words and actions ahead of me, with a large group of companions with whom I will walk, sing, pray, and think over the coming days. I attest that we will tackle this Synod and will see where the shadow lies.

From the heart of the so-called Mother Church, I send you blessings and wishes for peace and wellbeing, endless love, and a wide and friendly gaze that is “benevolent and welcoming”, as the Pope requested in his homily.

Your friend and sister,

Christina Moreira Vázquez, on 5 October 2023, in Rome, celebrating the tenth anniversary of her diaconal ordination amongst her Home Novo congregation of A Coruña.

Christina Moreira, en el Vaticano
Christina Moreira, en el Vaticano

"Sigue considerándose que una mujer, solo por el hecho de serlo, no puede vestir esa túnica, a la que toda persona bautizada tiene derecho, como bien expone Christina, ni se le permite la estola que la identifica como obediente al mandato “dadle vosotros de comer”"

"Manifestamos nuestra repulsa a esa detención injusta y abogamos por un cambio radical de las estructuras ancladas en patrones excluyentes y sexistas. Es hora de desligarnos de las ataduras que ralentizan nuestros caminos. Apoyamos el “sínodo en la sombra” nutrido de personas que manifiestan su esperanza en un horizonte de Justicia e Igualdad"

A principios de este mes de octubre, dio comienzo el Sínodo de la sinodalidad en Roma, del que esperamos surjan grandes cambios en la Iglesia. Todo ello en seguimiento y fidelidad a Jesús de Nazareth y sus preferidos, las y los más desfavorecidos de la tierra.

Un tema transversal del Papa Francisco es la fraternidad, que se construye desde el Gran Mandamiento del Amor, “amándonos unos a otros como Él nos ha amado” (1 Jn 3,23) Esta premisa del mensaje evangélico no se refleja coherentemente cada vez que un derecho humano es vulnerado.

From Victorina Pérez Prieto

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Roman Catholic Women Priests Go to Rome -2023